Regal Family Aids Labor Day Dilemma

When Pamela Maynard, the Site Manager for Savannah Machinery Works, called Regal Cutting Tools a little after 3 p.m. on the Friday before Labor Day weekend, she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to prevent her customer’s plant from getting shut down. She needed two tools to be rushed ASAP in order to repair the problem—a 4 ½”-8 pitch bottom chamfer and a taper. While some companies might find this request impossible, the Regal staff didn’t shy away from the opportunity to help a customer.

The team gathered to put their heads together and figure out how to help Pamela. Dennis Weiland determined that the staff would work through the night to ship the products the next morning. “One of our daytime grinders will come back at 2:00 a.m. to perform the final operations,” Dennis decided. “An inspector will stay overtime, the warehouse manager will come in early…and do the paperwork and mark the taps and the plant manager will deliver to the UPS hub for early Tuesday delivery.”
Later that afternoon, the warehouse manager realized one of the tools was already threaded and just had to be chamfered and marked, which meant the customer could receive their taps by Saturday instead of Tuesday. The staff worked hard to get the items delivered by 8:15 a.m. Saturday morning, much to the relief and appreciation of Pamela. “I can’t say enough good things about their dedication,” she explained. While many companies would tell a customer it was impossible to fulfil that request, Regal went above and beyond to serve their client. As Pamela would say, if you need special taps, Regal should be the first place you go.