Regal Reaches Into Untapped Territory For Expansion Of Offering

Our customers will be able to use our expanded extension tap line for various applications that were previously unavailable. We are planning to increase our range by recognizing needs in various industries, specifically caused by the impact of tombstone fixtures.

Part configurations can sometimes make it difficult or impossible to access the tapping surface. The taps below both represent specific needs that are met by two different configurations:

  • Pulley taps: Extension taps such as pulley taps have been around for years and meet a specific purpose.  They allow the shank to be used as a guide for tapping threads for a set screw.
  • Extension taper pipe taps: These taps are used to tap threads in valve bodies that are difficult to access. These small shank taps are best used when threading parts that are required to be longer than the threadlength of the tap.

Increasing Our Supply By Recognizing Demand

The impact of tombstone fixtures also creates a need for taps that could reach farther in a specific direction. Due to this, we anticipate agrowing demand for longer custom taps. With this segment of our business continuing to grow, Regal is looking to meet this demand for reach extension taps. We intend to expand this segment before the end of the year.

tombstone tap

The Taps You Need to Get the Job Done

When you are planning your work, consider using extension taps from Regal which are designed as general purpose production taps. Regal now offers sizes from a #4 to 1 ½”in production hand taps and spiral point styles, standard shanks and small shanks, metric sizes, as well as taper pipe from 1/16” to 1”.
Check out our entire line of taps or request a quote!