Choose the Right Pipe Tap for Productivity
The selection of the best style pipe tap for the material and machine conditions can save time, money, and eliminate headaches.

Every tooth of the tap is engaged in cutting until the rotation stops when producing tapered pipe threads. Regal Cutting Tools has designed a variety of styles to ensure quality threads minimizing stop lines.
Choose from the low, medium, or high hooks depending on the machining conditions and material tapped. Low rakes are used for malleable and cast iron and other non-ferrous materials, medium hook are specific for cast steel and low and medium carbon steels and high hook for stainless steel.
Other styles include special purpose taps, such as:
- Interrupted Thread Tap - where every other thread segment is removed on taps with an odd number of flutes to reduce friction and permit better lubrication.
- Spiral Fluted Pipe Taps - used in ductile or stringy material to aid in chip ejection.
- Extension Pipe Taps - for hard to reach tapping and are available up to 12 inches long, and high performance extension style designed specifically for stainless steel and aluminum provide heat and wear resistance in production tapping.
Selecting the right style will insure not only quality threads but also optimum tool life. All pipe taps to 1” are process through our Micro-Finish edge prep process smoothing all cutting surfaces, available also are a variety of coatings to enhance tool life. Remember to select the taper pipe tap best suited for your production.
Contact us today for all of your Pipe Tap needs!