Pipe Taps

Pipe threads are used when joining units intended to accommodate the flow of liquids or gases, such as fuel, oil, water or compressed air. Some internal pipe threads are straight; however, the majority of these assemblies feature tapered threads which have inherent design which makes tapping more difficult than straight threads. When tapping taper pipe threads, every tooth of the tap engaged with the work is cutting until the rotation is stopped. Because these threads are used in a variety of materials and frequently the parts produced are high volume, Regal has designed a number of different styles specific for various materials to insure quality parts while optimizing production and cost of parts produced. Regal provides low, medium and high hook pipe taps, as well as interrupted thread tools which reduces chip packing when the tap is fully engaged. Extension shank taper pipe taps are also immediately available. Our 24 hour special program includes special pipe tap production of special projections, and either right or left hand tapered or straight threads.